

At Cal State Fullerton Campus Dining Services, we offer a wide variety of name brand restaurants at multiple locations for your convenience across campus. What makes our locations great is that you can eat where you want, when you want, and exactly what you want for breakfast, 午餐, 或晚餐! No cafeteria food here; we only serve the selections our customers request.


卡尔的小. 工作人员
Supporting Students

With over 350+ employees a majority are students attending Cal State Fullerton. Our locations are unique in working with student schedules, ease of on campus jobs, ASC textbook program, meal discounts and more. Our goal is to have as many students working as possible.

Are you interested in joining our team? Send your resume, availability, contact information, and the position of interest to csufcampusdining@cqkaisi.com 

Langsdorf Hall
Benefiting the University

On an annual and monthly basis a significant portion of our net income is given back as financial support to the University. By dining on campus, you're investing back into Cal State Fullerton and we become partners that benefit the University!


Students at ASI's BlocktoberfestRewarding Our Customers

Whether you are using the Grubhub app or on social media, we are always looking for ways to reward our loyal customers. Follow us on Instagram for the most up-to-date information. 


卡尔的小 StaffSpecial Discounts

There are many benefits offered on campus ranging from Titan Tuesdays to no tax for students. Keep updated through our social media sites for coupons, promotions and discounts.

Students and Vending Machine各种 & Convenience

Everyone will find what they like on campus as we provide a variety of tastes in convenient locations across campus. Our indoor and outdoor seating options are perfect for between-class study breaks and those late-night cram sessions. Additionally, we have several vending machines around campus that offer healthy options.


Commitment to SustainabilityStars Sustainability Program Logo

  • Food Donation Program
    Our food waste is reduced through actively managing our production each day. If there is an excess of food, we donate to the Pantry, which helps serve students in need. 
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging and Cutlery
    We only use recyclable and compostable containers in a majority of our locations. Campus Dining eliminated the use of all single-use plastic bags. In the TSU Food Court and OC Choice Express, all cutlery is now biodegradable to help eliminate single-use plastic items.
  • Reduce Paper Consumption
    We do our best to communicate through mobile apps, e-blasts and other digital signage and social media channels.
  • Responsible Sourcing
    We purchase local, seasonal and responsibly raised, grown and sourced products whenever possible.
  • Composable Organics Recycling Program: 
    Our Campus Dining operations within the TSU Food Court recycle their organic waste. All food waste is sorted, 收集, and disposed of into dedicated food waste containers, picked up multiple times a week. Recycled items include fruits, 蔬菜, 面包, 奶酪, 糕点, 意大利面, 谷物, 大米, 豆子。, 肉, 家禽, 海鲜, 贝类, 骨, and egg scraps. By doing this, our operations help to reduce landfill methane emissions to help combat climate change.  

As a nonprofit organization, the money you spend with Campus Dining Services stays on campus to benefit CSU Fullerton services, 项目, and facilities.